If you know me, you know I'm passionate about education for all children! In a correspondence with a dear friend, I share about why, how and the beauty and terror! of educating at home! Please share how you decided to homeschool by posting comments! Thank you! I can't wait to hear your story!
...As for homeschooling, I wanted to quit after 2 1/2 weeks! Then I discovered a very wise educator, christian mother and she changed how I thought about education theory at all stages. Her name is Carole Joy Seid and you can listen to an interview online for free at www.carolejoyseid.com. I think the fear of homeschooling for most moms is that we think we have to do at home what is done in a classroom at school. That method isn't homeschooling. It's school-at-home and there is a huge difference. One of my favorite movies-to help illustrate-is Sense and Sensibility. In that movie, there is a scene where the youngest daughter is sitting at a table next to a fire. Her mother is doing needle point and her eldest sister is beside them at the table, tutoring her younger sister in French. The younger is reading a French book aloud, the family corrects as needed. Now you may be thinking "I don't speak French" the activity isn't the point. The family is learning and exchanging ideas together. They are bonded together. It is a very natural picture of family relating. Not forced, or rushed, or even wealthy, in monetary terms... But what a wealth they have as they live shoulder-to-shoulder! So the baby interrupts. So shorten the lessons. Make them 10 minutes in length. Feed the baby, change her, etc then put her in a pack in play with some books and stacking blocks. Set the timer for 10 minutes. Get out your math facts flashcards and practice with the kids until the timer goes off. If the baby cries during that time, tell her you'll be with her when the timer goes off. Then as soon as the timer goes off, get her and hug her and praise her for being so patient and self controlled-her her you're delighted that God is giving her his grace at such a young age! Then go back to the kids-who have been taking a break on the swings while you tended to baby. Tell them how proud you are that they use their bodies to honor the Lord! You get the picture. It's possible. There will be a learning curve. You'll have to change and reorient your expectations and so will your family. If God is calling you to do this, and it sounds like he is, he will give you what you need to honor the calling. It wont be perfect, but then again nothing this side of heaven is. But you will be faithfully parenting your children, preparing them for eternity and for life in union wit Christ and his people. Nothing matters as much!
The Case For Classical Christian Education is a book by Douglas Wilson. In my humble opinion, every parent should read the first 5 chapters.
Know that the Lord NEVER calls us to do something that we can not do IN HIS STRENGTH. He wants us to delight in our dependence on Him, to thank him for it! That behavior of dependence on Christ produces freedom and joy in our hearts. It's a paradox but it's true!
I love you and will be praying for you! It's never to late or too insignificant to homeschool. For more compelling arguments, call (a teacher) after a day teaching in the classroom!
You are precious and in His hands and so is your family! Please let me know what other thoughts you have! Thank you for helping me to recall so many empowering and hopeful thoughts about the work we're doing! Come over any time. We'd love to have you! But I have to let you know that we are sacrificing to do this and it shows. But we have what we need!
Test God on his promises to take care of you in all ways and see if he isn't trustworthy!
I can't wait to rejoice with you!
Soli Deo Gloria! ~K. De La Cruz
...As for homeschooling, I wanted to quit after 2 1/2 weeks! Then I discovered a very wise educator, christian mother and she changed how I thought about education theory at all stages. Her name is Carole Joy Seid and you can listen to an interview online for free at www.carolejoyseid.com. I think the fear of homeschooling for most moms is that we think we have to do at home what is done in a classroom at school. That method isn't homeschooling. It's school-at-home and there is a huge difference. One of my favorite movies-to help illustrate-is Sense and Sensibility. In that movie, there is a scene where the youngest daughter is sitting at a table next to a fire. Her mother is doing needle point and her eldest sister is beside them at the table, tutoring her younger sister in French. The younger is reading a French book aloud, the family corrects as needed. Now you may be thinking "I don't speak French" the activity isn't the point. The family is learning and exchanging ideas together. They are bonded together. It is a very natural picture of family relating. Not forced, or rushed, or even wealthy, in monetary terms... But what a wealth they have as they live shoulder-to-shoulder! So the baby interrupts. So shorten the lessons. Make them 10 minutes in length. Feed the baby, change her, etc then put her in a pack in play with some books and stacking blocks. Set the timer for 10 minutes. Get out your math facts flashcards and practice with the kids until the timer goes off. If the baby cries during that time, tell her you'll be with her when the timer goes off. Then as soon as the timer goes off, get her and hug her and praise her for being so patient and self controlled-her her you're delighted that God is giving her his grace at such a young age! Then go back to the kids-who have been taking a break on the swings while you tended to baby. Tell them how proud you are that they use their bodies to honor the Lord! You get the picture. It's possible. There will be a learning curve. You'll have to change and reorient your expectations and so will your family. If God is calling you to do this, and it sounds like he is, he will give you what you need to honor the calling. It wont be perfect, but then again nothing this side of heaven is. But you will be faithfully parenting your children, preparing them for eternity and for life in union wit Christ and his people. Nothing matters as much!
The Case For Classical Christian Education is a book by Douglas Wilson. In my humble opinion, every parent should read the first 5 chapters.
Know that the Lord NEVER calls us to do something that we can not do IN HIS STRENGTH. He wants us to delight in our dependence on Him, to thank him for it! That behavior of dependence on Christ produces freedom and joy in our hearts. It's a paradox but it's true!
I love you and will be praying for you! It's never to late or too insignificant to homeschool. For more compelling arguments, call (a teacher) after a day teaching in the classroom!
You are precious and in His hands and so is your family! Please let me know what other thoughts you have! Thank you for helping me to recall so many empowering and hopeful thoughts about the work we're doing! Come over any time. We'd love to have you! But I have to let you know that we are sacrificing to do this and it shows. But we have what we need!
Test God on his promises to take care of you in all ways and see if he isn't trustworthy!
I can't wait to rejoice with you!
Soli Deo Gloria! ~K. De La Cruz
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