On my personal FB page, many have asked questions about my recent change of style. ...I was tempted to say, "well, I'm playing the part of a Russian spy," or "yes, my stylist and I frequently brainstorm style ideas and decided PLATINUM," which is partially true as I am the stylist... The following article is, perhaps TMI. However, this is what I settled on... (Haircut by Debbie Davis at Walmart in Athens.)
The problem with hair is that it grows really, really fast! Then, one who has colored or dyed their hair has "roots." I am tired of thinking about roots. My hair started going gray when I was eleven. I've been in a vicious cycle of "to-color-or-not-to color" ever since.
As I drove to the discount store where a shopper never knows which color will be available, I prayed. I prayed, "please, two boxes of the same hair color OR hair-color remover." (Don't judge! Someone you know, probably you, have done the same thing. Ok, maybe not.) I was so excited to be free of coloring my hair! Anyway, with one box of hair-color remover (no two-boxes of the same color dye) and with my husband's support, I committed to the process of removing hair color and started at the front of my hair line. Only, there wasn't enough color remover in the bottle to cover my entire head! I had been swept up in the decision of leaving my brunette hair behind and I did not realize I didn't have enough "supplies" on hand to finish the transition. Saying something indiscernible to my husband and children, I acted to remedy the situation. I have managed to get my hair to an almost-white color... (It was various shades of Mountain Dew and Orange Crush for a while...) Thankfully, it is quickly growing back out. It's not like I think blondes have more fun or that I wanted a new look. Really, I was just frustrated with roots. Since then, I have made a point to ask ladies where ever I go, if they too are growing out roots, why they are doing so. When I see roots, I know there's a story there. All creation is awaiting the Great Redemption. All us ladies with roots are no exception.
An idea I struggle with is what if everyone stopped coloring their hair and instead used that money to END world-poverty... It could happen! Have you heard of "58?" It's a movement to end poverty world-wide, in our generation! Here's a link! : http://live58.org/thefilm/ But that's another blog topic!
I am wrestling, too, with why I should spend so much time and money on my hair when it won't last? It has no eternal value. Of course, I felt like an idiot when I had an interview for a gig and had to go with this very bright hair do. I wanted to dye it dark again, but I'm ready for a break from the every-two-weeks tradition of hair-coloring...
In any case, God cannot love us more than he already does and he will not love us less. Whatever we do, may it be an act of faith expressing itself in love. Something as simple as trusting the almighty sovereign God over the natural color of my hair is not natural to me. But still, he loves me and promises to complete the good work he started in my heart. Somehow, this hair-coloring adventure is part, however small a part, of his plan to make my heart more like his heart.
While doing research for this post, I met a lady who's son-in-law has cancer. Please pray for their family and for his healing.
Thanks for reading. I appreciate your time and welcome your responses.
God cannot love you more and he will not love you less!
~K. De La Cruz

As I drove to the discount store where a shopper never knows which color will be available, I prayed. I prayed, "please, two boxes of the same hair color OR hair-color remover." (Don't judge! Someone you know, probably you, have done the same thing. Ok, maybe not.) I was so excited to be free of coloring my hair! Anyway, with one box of hair-color remover (no two-boxes of the same color dye) and with my husband's support, I committed to the process of removing hair color and started at the front of my hair line. Only, there wasn't enough color remover in the bottle to cover my entire head! I had been swept up in the decision of leaving my brunette hair behind and I did not realize I didn't have enough "supplies" on hand to finish the transition. Saying something indiscernible to my husband and children, I acted to remedy the situation. I have managed to get my hair to an almost-white color... (It was various shades of Mountain Dew and Orange Crush for a while...) Thankfully, it is quickly growing back out. It's not like I think blondes have more fun or that I wanted a new look. Really, I was just frustrated with roots. Since then, I have made a point to ask ladies where ever I go, if they too are growing out roots, why they are doing so. When I see roots, I know there's a story there. All creation is awaiting the Great Redemption. All us ladies with roots are no exception.
An idea I struggle with is what if everyone stopped coloring their hair and instead used that money to END world-poverty... It could happen! Have you heard of "58?" It's a movement to end poverty world-wide, in our generation! Here's a link! : http://live58.org/thefilm/ But that's another blog topic!
I am wrestling, too, with why I should spend so much time and money on my hair when it won't last? It has no eternal value. Of course, I felt like an idiot when I had an interview for a gig and had to go with this very bright hair do. I wanted to dye it dark again, but I'm ready for a break from the every-two-weeks tradition of hair-coloring...
In any case, God cannot love us more than he already does and he will not love us less. Whatever we do, may it be an act of faith expressing itself in love. Something as simple as trusting the almighty sovereign God over the natural color of my hair is not natural to me. But still, he loves me and promises to complete the good work he started in my heart. Somehow, this hair-coloring adventure is part, however small a part, of his plan to make my heart more like his heart.
While doing research for this post, I met a lady who's son-in-law has cancer. Please pray for their family and for his healing.
Thanks for reading. I appreciate your time and welcome your responses.
God cannot love you more and he will not love you less!
~K. De La Cruz