
Wednesday, February 8, 2012

From the Daily Post Athenian: Authorities looking into whether bullying led to student’s suicide

BREAKING NEWS UPDATE  for  Wednesday, February 8, 2012.

BREAKING NEWS - Authorities looking into whether bullying led to student’s suicide

Special to The Daily Post-AthenianThe McMinn County Sheriff’s Department is looking into the possibility that bullying may have led to the suicide of a 17-year-old McMinn Central High School student on Tuesday.

While no direct link with bullying has been established, authorities continue to investigate the incident.

“I’ve kept in close contact with the young lady’s parents,” said Sheriff Joe Guy. “Neither her parents, school administrators, nor our school resource officers had received any reports that she was a victim of bullying prior to this unfortunate incident.

“There have been some allegations made afterward, and we will look into those allegations,” Guy said. “Her parents and I agree that the most important thing is to do whatever we can to prevent another family from having to experience a tragic loss like this.

“If any kind of intimidation or harassment occurs in our schools, it needs to be reported before a tragedy happens,” he added. “Students who have knowledge of any issues are encouraged to go to teachers, parents, guidance counselors, ministers and school resource officers.

“Our community is committed to dealing with the problem of bullying, but we need people to speak up before, not afterward when it is too late,” Guy said.

The incident occurred Tuesday around noon in a church parking lot in McMinn County. The student had not attended school that day.

Guy said that he posted two of his chaplains at McMinn Central High School today to assist school officials and local clergy members in counseling students and staff members as they deal with the loss.

“Our community has lost a beautiful, intelligent young person with so much hope and promise,” Guy said. “It’s just devastating. Our thoughts and prayers are with her parents, friends and family.”

A candlelight vigil is planned for tonight in Downtown Etowah.
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Soli Deo Gloria! ~K. De La Cruz