
Friday, June 10, 2011

The Return from Casa Shalom; a Guatemalan Orphanage

My grandmother, Gerri Lamoureaux-Donahue, was an incredibly stylish and savvy woman. She had a career working on the first generation of computers for the Oil Industry during World War II. With the money she saved, she bought fur coats, took vacations and bought her own family's first car. It's quite possible that none of those experiences would have occurred were it not for the family that adopted her when she was four-years-old. That family, The Carrolls, had five children of their own when they took in my grandmother and another girl.

With the passage and acceptance of abortion law, homes for unexpected children, nee, orphanages here in the United States have disappeared. The aborted babies are the orphans we don't see. But in a little town, San Lucas, in Guatemala, there is a home for the orphaned. And I was just there.

Never have I received so many hugs and kisses. Never have I been so totally unable to wrap my mind around the truth of circumstances. Sixty-four children without a mother or father? Really? My husband and I have two young sons. I have to pause under the weight of loss for these young people...

Yes, there were 64 orphans where I stayed for eight days. They were beautiful and funny and muy intelligente! I was amazed at how many could speak english and play Jesu Joy of Man's Desiring on a simple Recorder! They were needy too and will be. They need groups to come visit and they need folks to move there to love on them. My husband and I are toying with the idea, too. There's so many more details to share with you. We traveled with the Founder of the orphanage, Jan Waldrop and four students from the high school where Jan and my husband teach Spanish. You can hear more about our trip during my radio show, Fridays at 3PM on WYXI Radio 1390 AM. And thanks for reading. Know that the reason I care and we care is because The One has cared for us first! While we were yet in sin, The One, Christ, the Son of God, died on the cross paying my sin-debt and adopting me into His family. Through Christ we know that God loves us!

My husband created a little movie with our pictures and videos...I hope to link it for you!