Single-Room Pioneer House now on display at the Living Heritage Museum! Akin to Little House on the Prairie, my kids and I lit up when we saw this part of the museum! Curator Lisa Chastain is pictured here, and she's my new BFF! Thanks, Lisa, for indulging me with so many wonderful details during the tour! I love your work!
Click here to listen to my interview with Living Heritage Museum Curator Lisa Chastain!
Don't miss this event!
Saturday, Feb. 18, 10 a.m. Program – Tennessee Sampler Lecture
In the Parlor. |
Ex. Dir. Ashley Rush, Cur. Lisa Chastain and me :) |
My Aunt has many portraits like these in her home...Perhaps that's why I like them so much! |
Lisa said all the kids who visit the museum play "find the two brothers" in this painting! |
In the country store! |
A scale such as this may have been used for trading vegetables... If you've got 1lb carrots and I've got 1lb peppers, let's trade! |
Tools of dentistry/torture haven't changed that much! LOL. ;) |
All-natural pain killer for before/after the dentist... |
And now we're living history! This still was conviscated from Starr Mountian in 2011!!! It was the first still to be confiscated in thirty years! Fact: McMinn County allows for the sale of beer, but no other alcoholic beverages. |
Kids are allowed to "camp out" as the soldiers of the Civil War would have done. |
It's a RED COAT! Oh, wrong war, lol. |
Samplers such as this would be the work of a wealthy man's daughter, you can tell by the complication of skill needed. Who ever crafted this would have had a lot of time to dedicate to her "work" and probably would have been viewed when a potential husband came for a visit. (Fact: My Aunt has Samplers in her home, too! I never knew what they were called before visiting the Living Heritage Museum.) |
This too is a Sampler, albeit a sample-of-stitches! It's actually the work of a student at Tennessee Weslayan College when it was a finishing school for women. (My mother will like that bit of info!) |
Little, but not least! I love this alpahbet sampler! So cute. Thanks, Lisa for holding the frame for me! |
Soli Deo Gloria!
~K. De La Cruz