Vision Casting Tomorrow, February 4th. Athens Alive 2035 Event

Tomorrow, we are invited to the Athens Middle School auditorium, to share our hopes for the future! I've shared on the air that, "this side of heaven, there is no "heaven"" and that's true. But until Christ returns, it is our work to redeem the relationships of people to God, and then to be ambassadors of God's love to his creation!
“Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation." Mark 16:15
Which is why, when Athens Public Works Director, Athens' own Young-Man-of-the-Year and friend Shawn Lindsey wrote the email below, I wanted to share it with you!
2. Listen for INSPIRATION
"Dear Friends:I was in grade school when my teacher talked to us about the concept of utopia. I was fascinated with the idea of a perfect place. It consumed my thoughts and I wanted to learn more and more about it and I have pursued it my entire life and still to this day the idea of utopia keeps me up nights. For those that may not know what Utopia is Wikipedia defines it as:
Utopia (/juːˈtoʊpiə/) is an ideal community or society possessing a perfect socio-politico-legal system. The word was imported from Greek by Sir Thomas More for his 1516 book Utopia, describing a fictional island in the Atlantic Ocean. The term has been used to describe both intentional communities that attempt to create an ideal society, and fictional societies portrayed in literature. It has spawned other concepts, most prominentlydystopia.
I later read books like Don Quixote by Cervantes who told us a story of a man who decided to see the world as it should be instead of how it was. I admire this kind of crazy. I like the fact that there are those among who have the attitudes, the belief in themselves and those around them, as well as the courage to change the world for the better. Now it seems to me as if we all have that chance this Saturday. I hope to see you at the Middle School and to be ready to decide the future of the community we all love and the faith to make it happen. I think it is the time and the place to begin brining an Abundant Life to those we will leave this community to in 2035. I can’t wait for the journey between now and then and to see the path laid before us as this process is completed.
Please look at the attached and share with your fellow Athenians at work, school, church, and with your civic clubs.
Shawn Lindsey
Public Works Director
City of Athens
phone: 423 744-2746Isn't Mr. Lindsey a great writer?! You can see why I wanted to share this email. We thank God for The Lindsey Family and the blessing they are to Mc Minn County!
Tomorrow, our family will not be present for this event. Our dear Uncle Clarence Croft, who used humor & engineering to redeem many an awkward situation will be laid to rest in Madisonville. Please remember Uncle Clarence's family in your prayers.
3. Share your hopes for the future of Athens!
Soli Deo Gloria! ~K. De La Cruz