
Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Waiting For A Miracle At Christmas

For thirteen years, we didn’t speak.  The wounds were so deep, so raw.  All through my childhood and teen years, I tried to get my dad to be who I needed him to be.  There’s nothing that can replace the relationship with one’s father.  I needed a miracle.

Fast forward to the present.  Half-awake, my nine year-old-son started to cry as he stumbled into the living room..  “Where’s Dad?  You said he’d be here.”  (My baby’s daddy was already at work for the day.)  He longs for his daddy as I longed for mine.  We’ll see him tonight.

As I approach a day full of "miracles needed", I reached for the Book of Promises, the Bible, and opened to John 1.

            …To all who did receive Him, who believed in His name, he gave the right to be called the sons of God. John 1:12

For thirteen years, I journeyed through grief and hope, seeking reconciliation with my father.  All along the way, the one perfect Father, was with me, calling me his own, providing my every need with graciousness and kindness.  

So when I saw my father after thirteen years, I was compelled to do what God-the-father does for me.  I ran toward him.  “DAD!”  I called his name.  In front of a plaza full of hot-dog diners, we sobbed and hugged.  He met my husband and our children, his grandchildren.  My husband later confessed that he didn’t know what to do, whether he should punch him or hug him!  I’m glad there were no punches.

My father apologized, naming offenses right then and there.  I did the same, apologizing for demanding what he couldn’t give.

It’s been two years since dad and I reconnected.  He emails me almost every day.  Even though I didn’t grow up with him, we have the same sense of humor.  It’s amazing to resemble someone I don’t know very well…

It’s a miracle to be reconciled with my dad.  It brings me great joy.

There are other miracles that, like anyone, I’m waiting to see realized.  When God sent his Son, Christ, into the world, the most awesome miracle of all occurred. To all who did receive Him, who believed in his name, he gave the right to be called the sons of God. John 1:12

May we receive the gift of God’s love and share it with others, moment by moment.  He is a good father.  He knows what’s best. 
Hoping for a miraculous Christmas…xoxo


Monday, November 28, 2011

Mayfield employee comments: basement may flood! Water continues to rise.

UPDATE:  Flood waters receded, the homes pictured were not flooded!  Thank you for your prayers and concern!

Athens Tennessee, Rain Floods Mayfield Neighborhood

Soli Deo Gloria! ~K. De La Cruz

Share Your "Miracle" Story!

Tis the Season of Miracles! 

If you have a "miracle story" we want to hear it!  And share it, to encourage others!
Email or call the office: or call 423-746-2655 and leave a message! 
Thanks so much and Happy Holidays!

Soli Deo Gloria! ~K. De La Cruz

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Cardin Family Project to Adopt and Care For Widows...

Jesus said the only "religion" we should have is to take care of widows and orphans.

The Both Hands Project taking place Saturday in Etowah does just that!

I know Jessica and Jason Cardin, the sponsors of the event because my dear husband teaches Spanish with Jessica at McMinn Central High School.  (So much for anonymity!)
Why does that matter?  I think it speaks to the heart...  Jessica and Jason have a daughter already but are compelled to adopt their next child and to care for high school students!!!  I share the calling to adopt.  You call a child your own and you will be saving them!  Love changes things.

And so it is in caring for a widow who needs help!  For her privacy, I won't identify her here.   I'll call her "Elizabeth." What good wouldn't be done if we don't volunteer to help?  I'll tell you!
Elizabeth needs some work done on her home.  I'm so excited that a) she had the guts to ask for help and b) the Cardins are the kind of people who want to help!  It promotes their need for adoption funds, (yes, please make checks out!) and it helps Elizabeth...  And right before the holidays!  What a wonderful thing.
One might point out the redemptive value of such and endeavor!  One like me! LOL!

Soli Deo Gloria! ~K. De La Cruz

Friday, November 4, 2011

Senator Mike Bell on Katie's Community Connection!

Tune in today, November 4th for the year-in-review of Tennessee State Legislature...  What passed, what didn't; as well as what's coming up for the voters of Tennessee!

In this exclusive one-on-one with Senator Bell, we're engaged with the story of how Mike's wife of more than 20 years has been the "great woman" behind this "great man"!

I asked Senator Bell, (who insisted I call him "Mike") what we, the voters could or should be doing between now and the elections upcoming.  To my delight, the answer was PRAY!  Pray for our country, our state, pray for him, pray for ourselves, pray for our families, and pray for our military.  Both of the Senator's sons are serving in active duty right now and with honor!  Be sure to pray for them, too!

Senator Bell, will get my vote and my prayers!

Today at 3PM on WYXI Radio Athens, Tennessee!

Soli Deo Gloria! ~K. De La Cruz