
Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Got Tools?! Ben Finch; Social Media Tools Mini Seminar Report

Soli Deo Gloria! ~K. De La Cruz

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Charlie Clark, Hiwassee Builders Supply, Built For Generations!

AUDIO PLAYER  An Athens staple, Hiwassee Builders Supply on Decatur Pike has a legacy of customer satisfaction and stability!  They've expanded into Knoxville and now, into Cleveland.   Construction may be be suffering, but this business has what it takes to stay for the long-haul!  Join in the conversation, hear the story of this multigenerational builder supply co.!

Soli Deo Gloria! ~K. De La Cruz

Jaci Velasquez is on the show!

Jaci's voice is unforgettable!  If you're meeting her here for the first time, you're in for a treat!  She's got some pipes and she's not afraid to use them!  
Jaci visited beautiful East Tennessee and updated me on her life.  She was a teen-pop icon in Christian music in the late 90s, reached the Latino-charts is back singing about how God can take a rough stone (i.e. any human) and turn it into a polished, gem...A diamond!  Which, by the way, is her latest yet-to-be-released recording.  If you were at her concert here in Athens, you heard it and ....  It is a hit!
But that's not all Jaci's up to!  She's set to release two films before the year's end, and a book about the realities of motherhood titled, "Coffee and Concealer."  (Both are in my mothering tool-box!) And I can't wait to pick up the book!
Check out Jaci's Facebook page for the latest updates!

Much love,
 ~K. De La Cruz

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Risk and Trust!

In case your days are on the verge of risk, with new ideas or old ideas ready to bloom, you're in good company.  Hopefully you've got your coffee already in hand and I'm glad you are here!
If what you're about to risk is for any reason other than a sincere desire to honor and trust God, fogetaboutit!  It's not worth it!  For example, following God's call on your life gets costly for sure.  If you've been following me on Facebook, you know what I'm talkin about!
Once upon a time there was this lady (me) who really wanted to interview a special gal, "Cindy."  Cindy lived really, really far away from Katie.  Katie thought, "Cindy's music needs to get out there!  I love Cindy!  This will be great!"  But Katie didn't know all that would go wrong!  Cindy's interview went well. But there have been some bumps... Cindy has yet to hear the interview.  Katie doesn't want to disappoint, she's doing all she can...  And now, Katie looks like an idiot.
I'm still doing what I was called to do.  That's about my only comfort right now.  I will eventually "deliver" for Cindy.  So then there's a choice to make...  Do I trust, even as I scurry to solve issues, that ultimately God is in control?  No!  That's why I'm up in the middle of the night!  The good news is that Jesus Christ was and is God's trusting son.  I fail to trust; Jesus trusted.  He risked it all in obedience to his father.  And then, he takes my record of failure as I receive his record of perfection.  The Bible is full of verses to affirm what Christ did for me.  The Book of Romans is great for understanding the good news of Jesus's life, death and resurrection.  I need his forgiveness.  So do we all.  And he offers it freely.
I will accept his "yoke" or to-do list and let him take mine.  After all, I know the outcome that way will be perfect.
Peace and grace as you risk for His Kingdom!
Soli Deo Gloria! ~K. De La Cruz

Friday, August 12, 2011

New Pop Music Artist Annie Rose Rocks Today @ 3

Annie Rose, 17, shares her heart, her music, her story today at 3 on The Katie De La Cruz Show!
Annie Rose and I met at Belmont University to record her interview!  Sweet & stylish, Annie Rose declared that she works out her emotions through her music!  Songs featured today include frustration as a cancer survivor in Bring Me To Light, synicisim of a break up in Remember Me, and love, sweet love in More Than Maybe.  All three tunes are totally memorable!  The songs are ready and playing on the airwaves TODAY @ 3PM EST on the Katie De La Cruz Show!  WYXI 1390 AM
Don't just take my word for it..Listen to Annie Rose here:

Soli Deo Gloria! ~K. De La Cruz
Facebook The Katie De La Cruz Show

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Fat, Sick & Nearly Dead!

It's the title of a movie that has me juicing my fruits and veggies like crazy!  Watch the trailer by clicking here!  My mother had given a us a Jack La Lanne juicer years ago and we pull it out when we have colds.  But today's juicing was truly mania!  Let's see we did the Mean Green juice and Joe's Breakfast juice... I've grown to love them both!

Serves 1

Mean Green Juice:
  • 1 Bunch of Kale
  • 4 Celery Stalks
  • 2 Green Apples
  • 1 large Cucumber
  • small bunch of Parsley
  • small bunch of Cilantro
  • 1/2 Lemon, no rind.
  • Ginger Root (thumb sized amount)

Joe's Breakfast Juice:

  • 2 stalks of pineapple (1/2 a pineapple with out the skin)
  • 4 cups of water melon (I cut off the green rind but you don't have to.)
  • 1/2 lemon, no rind

Then, I took about 10 cups of tomatoes, sliced, blended, and poured in the crock pot!  Added garlic salt, dried basil, and oregano to taste and simmered all day.  It turned into spaghetti sauce and was delish!

I think I'll keep this up.  Maybe even do a full-blown juice fast!  Let me know if you do something similar!  I'd love to hear your recipes!

Soli Deo Gloria! ~K. De La Cruz
The Katie De La Cruz SHow
Fridays @ 3PM on WYXI Radio 1390 AM
FB: Katie's Community Connection