Maybe it's just part of being a
working mother, (as if identifying myself as "mother" wasn't descriptive enough) but I honestly cannot remember the last time I watched an awards show-or-any-show from beginning to end. Unless it's online. Who's with me on that? YO!!!!
Noah's film making! |
Tonight I'm watching the award show for The Academy of Motion Pictures, LIVE simply because my kids are making movies every day. I kid you not! ; ) To hear the interviews from the Red Carpet, it's an educational experience!
Don't believe me? Ok, right this very moment, Noah, age 7 is using the built in camera on a laptop to record a digital image on this electronic game he has. The image is being recorded and then projected on a wall! So even though I am at a table across the room, I can see what he's creating! Crazy!
Gabe and Lego parts! |
Gabe, 9, is busy with Legos... He's running from room to room gathering Legos, creating an Imperial Star Destroyer of Star Wars, which, according to Gabe has a $399 price tag. Gabe is almost never wrong about prices of desired objects. When he was born, we all said he looked like a little old man. Now, I think "little old banker!" Back to film making, the other day, Gabe took my phone and was going from room to room making the sounds of a jet-engine. When my phone finally landed, there was a great video from the perspective of a jet pilot! I'd share it if there weren't so many items out of place for the back round!
Oh, oh, oh, and for those of you who loved my 20 Questions and Answers of Going Blonde, actress Viola Davis gave a moving interview from the Carpet about growing out her hair in it's unaltered form. She said it was her husband who encouraged her to go natural. On that note, I owe my husband a huge shout out for ALWAYS encouraging me to drop the bottle of hair color and go natural, too.
Oh, my Honey just walked in! I better go thank him! The show must go on! Enjoy!
Soli Deo Gloria!
~K. De La Cruz