
Thursday, December 22, 2011

Stirring the Kettle of Creativity and Peace

Christmas cooking in the kitchen has given my mind time to wander.  It's stirred my passion for writing, bubbling up memories of reading things of high worth!  God's awakening my soul to his ideas by using some of these writers...

Marsha,  a fabulous and fabulously adopted young woman; the glorious art and personal style of Sarah Hazel; the transparency and truth of Jason Wallis;  and Francis Chan and his wife Lisa have to say about family and mission...

Brian, my husband, is on a Francis Chan "kick,"   listening online before everyone gets up and after everyone goes to bed.  Actually, Brian's been able to share hope with our worrying son through Chan's videos, books, and talks online.  Francis is all about reading the Bible as if you've never read it before.  For Brian, who remembers everything he hears verbatim, listening to Chan on youtube or podcasts helps him soak in what the Good Book says!  It's a blessing, bringing more peace to me, too.

Soli Deo Gloria! ~K. De La Cruz

Monday, December 12, 2011

Ben and Jason; Fabulous Interview, Humbling Feedback

Check out this great article by photographer Ben Finch, recent guest on KCC. (Interview audio link below!)
Ben and Jason Wallis, Tenn for TN Festival winner x2 are modern Renaissance men! Sincerity and humor are the earmarks of their work, which includes screen plays, marketing, childrens' books, and photography, of course!

I first met Katie when she attended my Social Media Seminar back in August. With her magnetic personality, there is little wonder why she's been so successful on & off camera as a journalist. Her background includes working with Fox News in San Diego, Wealth TV Network, America's Dumbest Criminals, The Dove Awards and a few others. In 2007, she won Best Newscast from her peers at KGFN radio in Southern California. Now she hosts a weekly Community Radio Show for Southeast TN called Katie's Community Connection. And now she's stuck talking to me... ha!

Well, it wasn't just me. My good friend, Jason Wallis, was in the studio as well. Jason is a writer, illustrator, communicator, Student Pastor & self-proclaimed Comic book Fanboy. I've known Jason since middle-school & his knack for creativity, coupled with artistry, has always been apparent. Plus, he's crazy funny!

Friday afternoon Jason & I met up with Katie to be interviewed on the topic, "Risk Taking Entrepreneurs." When Katie first contacted me I had to warn her that it could get out of hand. Ben + Jason = ridiculous. However, we did manage to keep it somewhat together & successfully complete the interview. For those who were unable to listen, I was eager to make it available, here's the link:

Thanks Katie for the opportunity! I had a great time.

THANK YOU BEN & JASON!  You made my week!

Soli Deo Gloria! ~K. De La Cruz

Saturday, December 10, 2011


Jason Wallis is an author and pastor voicing hope through his work, on and off stage. Ben Finch is a photographer and marketing guru with a Master's in Theology. Join the feel-good conversation about risk-taking with purpose!
What joy for me to get to interview these guys! Definitely men-to-watch and emulate!

Soli Deo Gloria!~K. De La Cruz

Friday, December 2, 2011

Frances Witt-McMahan, Executive Director of CASA to Be Jailed as Part of Fundraiser, December 2nd Community Connection

Hear Frances' adventure to jail; benefit the Muscular Dystrophy Association today at 3PM on WYXI 1390 AM.
Other topics today:

  • HOW TO TALK TO LITTLE GIRLS by Lisa Bloom of the Huffington Post

*CASA:  Court Appointed Special Advocates
More Information about CASA:

*Muscular Dystrophy Association:
Nine types of muscular dystrophy, a group of genetic, degenerative diseases primarily affecting voluntary muscles. 

*Cardins Both Hands Project Update!
Video HERE:



Soli Deo Gloria! ~K. De La Cruz

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Waiting For A Miracle At Christmas

For thirteen years, we didn’t speak.  The wounds were so deep, so raw.  All through my childhood and teen years, I tried to get my dad to be who I needed him to be.  There’s nothing that can replace the relationship with one’s father.  I needed a miracle.

Fast forward to the present.  Half-awake, my nine year-old-son started to cry as he stumbled into the living room..  “Where’s Dad?  You said he’d be here.”  (My baby’s daddy was already at work for the day.)  He longs for his daddy as I longed for mine.  We’ll see him tonight.

As I approach a day full of "miracles needed", I reached for the Book of Promises, the Bible, and opened to John 1.

            …To all who did receive Him, who believed in His name, he gave the right to be called the sons of God. John 1:12

For thirteen years, I journeyed through grief and hope, seeking reconciliation with my father.  All along the way, the one perfect Father, was with me, calling me his own, providing my every need with graciousness and kindness.  

So when I saw my father after thirteen years, I was compelled to do what God-the-father does for me.  I ran toward him.  “DAD!”  I called his name.  In front of a plaza full of hot-dog diners, we sobbed and hugged.  He met my husband and our children, his grandchildren.  My husband later confessed that he didn’t know what to do, whether he should punch him or hug him!  I’m glad there were no punches.

My father apologized, naming offenses right then and there.  I did the same, apologizing for demanding what he couldn’t give.

It’s been two years since dad and I reconnected.  He emails me almost every day.  Even though I didn’t grow up with him, we have the same sense of humor.  It’s amazing to resemble someone I don’t know very well…

It’s a miracle to be reconciled with my dad.  It brings me great joy.

There are other miracles that, like anyone, I’m waiting to see realized.  When God sent his Son, Christ, into the world, the most awesome miracle of all occurred. To all who did receive Him, who believed in his name, he gave the right to be called the sons of God. John 1:12

May we receive the gift of God’s love and share it with others, moment by moment.  He is a good father.  He knows what’s best. 
Hoping for a miraculous Christmas…xoxo


Monday, November 28, 2011

Mayfield employee comments: basement may flood! Water continues to rise.

UPDATE:  Flood waters receded, the homes pictured were not flooded!  Thank you for your prayers and concern!

Athens Tennessee, Rain Floods Mayfield Neighborhood

Soli Deo Gloria! ~K. De La Cruz

Share Your "Miracle" Story!

Tis the Season of Miracles! 

If you have a "miracle story" we want to hear it!  And share it, to encourage others!
Email or call the office: or call 423-746-2655 and leave a message! 
Thanks so much and Happy Holidays!

Soli Deo Gloria! ~K. De La Cruz

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Cardin Family Project to Adopt and Care For Widows...

Jesus said the only "religion" we should have is to take care of widows and orphans.

The Both Hands Project taking place Saturday in Etowah does just that!

I know Jessica and Jason Cardin, the sponsors of the event because my dear husband teaches Spanish with Jessica at McMinn Central High School.  (So much for anonymity!)
Why does that matter?  I think it speaks to the heart...  Jessica and Jason have a daughter already but are compelled to adopt their next child and to care for high school students!!!  I share the calling to adopt.  You call a child your own and you will be saving them!  Love changes things.

And so it is in caring for a widow who needs help!  For her privacy, I won't identify her here.   I'll call her "Elizabeth." What good wouldn't be done if we don't volunteer to help?  I'll tell you!
Elizabeth needs some work done on her home.  I'm so excited that a) she had the guts to ask for help and b) the Cardins are the kind of people who want to help!  It promotes their need for adoption funds, (yes, please make checks out!) and it helps Elizabeth...  And right before the holidays!  What a wonderful thing.
One might point out the redemptive value of such and endeavor!  One like me! LOL!

Soli Deo Gloria! ~K. De La Cruz

Friday, November 4, 2011

Senator Mike Bell on Katie's Community Connection!

Tune in today, November 4th for the year-in-review of Tennessee State Legislature...  What passed, what didn't; as well as what's coming up for the voters of Tennessee!

In this exclusive one-on-one with Senator Bell, we're engaged with the story of how Mike's wife of more than 20 years has been the "great woman" behind this "great man"!

I asked Senator Bell, (who insisted I call him "Mike") what we, the voters could or should be doing between now and the elections upcoming.  To my delight, the answer was PRAY!  Pray for our country, our state, pray for him, pray for ourselves, pray for our families, and pray for our military.  Both of the Senator's sons are serving in active duty right now and with honor!  Be sure to pray for them, too!

Senator Bell, will get my vote and my prayers!

Today at 3PM on WYXI Radio Athens, Tennessee!

Soli Deo Gloria! ~K. De La Cruz

Thursday, October 20, 2011

God is DRIVEN Toward US: Day 3; The Purpose Driven Life

Yeah, I was driven tonight!  The five things we're not supposed to be driven by...I think I had them all.
Here's a snap shot, my latest FB post:

I didn't say a word. But I silently, rapidly flew around the house to get the kids ready for bed...Then I stayed in a bad mood until I read a bit on FB (that picks me up)...Now I'm noticing that despite being exhausted, my husband has been reading to our children for quite a while. And I remember when he didn't used to do that. And how glad I am that I didn't yell or give up before this moment.

Rick Warren (RW) had so many great things to say about negatives and positives that are driving forces in our lives.  It made me think that if I could just balance or get more "goods" on the scale than "bads", that all would be well.  Then my husband, who  is my favorite theologian, said something like this:

"God is driven for us.  He is weaving together all these things and he's saying, "get in the front row and let me teach you!"

I need to be taught.  I need a teacher who will get in my face and say, "NOW, DO I HAVE YOUR ATTENTION??  GOOD!"

And then go on to say,  "I LOVE YOU, I LOVE YOU,  I LOVE YOU!  You cannot outrun my love.  You can have your way about it, but I will still be here to love you!" 

I know that's how God loves us.  Lord forgive me for all the stuff, all the bad moods and false loves that I let get in between responding to your love and loving your creation.

Rest in his love for you.  God is Driven for you!

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

We're Not An "Accident" Day 2; The Purpose Driven Life

You are not an accident.  Do you believe that?  I've wrestled with that!
My parents divorced when I was around three years old.  I have been tempted to think, "maybe they only married because of me, etc..."
Or, what about the 15 years-young woman who, just yesterday, was rescued from a cellar in New Jersey where she was imprisoned... Is her life a mistake; falling in love with a captor?  Or what about her captors?  They have imprisoned at least four people who were mentally ill and there is evidence of more victims.  Does God call people that sick "accidents"?

In Day 2 of The Purpose Driven Life,  many scriptures assure us that God planned every detail of our lives, taking into account "mistakes" and sin. (pg. 23)  The further we get from God's purpose, the further into the pit of hell.  What is hell?  Life apart from the goodness of God, his design, his mercy, his love; life apart from God himself.
I want to say to that newly-freed young woman, "You are loved!  You are of value!  There is redemption in this!"
Who knows how many more would have been brutally mistreated if she had not been lured, then sought after by authorities.  As for her captors, God has a plan for them, too.  I thank God that there is some semblance of justice in our country and that these people will not be allowed to hurt others as they have.  I pray that they get what they need.  And I actively trust the truths below.  Because today is a hard day for living in a world full of brokenness.

I am your Creator.  You were in my care even before you were born.  ~Isaiah 44:2a (CEV)

God doesn't play dice. ~Albert Einstein

The LORD will fulfill his purpose for me. Psalm 138:8a (NIV)

You know me inside and out, you know every bone in my body; You know exactly how I was made, bit by bit, how I was sculpted from nothing into something." Psalm 139:15 (Msg)

You saw me before I was born and scheduled each day of my life before I began to breathe.  Every day was recorded in your book! Psalm 139:16 (LB)

He planned it all for his purpose. pg. 23

From one man he made every nation, . . . and he determined the times set for them and the exact places where they should live. 4 Acts 17:26 (NIV)

Nothing in your life is arbitrary.  It's all for a purpose. pg. 23

While there are illegitimate parents, there are no illegitimate children.  Many children are unplanned by their parents, but they are not unplanned by God. pg. 23

Long before he laid down earth's foundations, he had us in mind, had settled on us as the focus of his love. pg. 24

God is love.  (must look up reference...9, 10, from the book- sorry...)

"I have carried you since you were born; I have taken care of you from your birth.  Even when you are old, I wil be the same.  Even when your hair has turned gray, I will take care of you.  I made you and will take care of you. 10

The only accurate way to understand ourselves is by what God is and by what he does for us." Romans 12:3 The Message

I am your Creator.  You were in my care even before you were born." Isaiah 44:2 (CEV)

Question from the Day's reading:  "I know God created me.  Is there something about me that I am struggling to accept??"

  • For counseling regarding unplanned pregnancy, click here:
  • For the story of the cellar prison, click here:

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

It's Not All About Me! Day 1 of 40: Purpose Driven Life

Day 1 of  40
Let's sign together!

Diligently note-taking!

I love little people.  Especially my sons.  I can see why some mothers get totally wrapped up in the lives of their children, to the detriment of every one's well being!  Loving them is a 24/7 kind of thing.  But the goal of parenthood is to launch the children, so to speak.  But launch them into, or for, what?  
Our family reads a lot of cool stories together.  Children's Literature is amazing!  In reading The Little Prince, I was made painfully aware of how adults undermine kids with the simplest of comments.
Day 1 of Purpose Driven Life is a wonderful orientation to a new story...  One unfamiliar in our culture...  It's the story of an Almighty, All-Knowing Being who knows us all and creates us for his purpose.  Day 1 tells us: 

"For everything, absolutely everything, above and below, visible and invisible,...everything got started in him and finds it's purpose in him."  Colossians 1:16 (The Message)


"It is God who directs the lives of his creatures, every one's life is in his power." Job 12:10 TEV

How incredibly freeing!  On page 20, author Rick Warren goes onto say that their are five purposes for our lives in the Bible.  But he doesn't list them here!

He does, however list many more verses and quotes which I found encouraging. 

"Unless you assume a God, the question of life's purpose is meaningless."  ~Bertrand Russell, atheist
"Obsession with  a dead end; attention to God leads us out into the open, into a spacious, free life." 
"...Being successful and fulfilling your life's purpose are not at all the same issue!  You could reach all your personal goals, becoming a raving success by the world's standard, and still miss the purpose for which God created you." Rick Warren, page 19
"To discover your purpose in your life; you must turn to God's Word, not the world's wisdom." RW, pg. 20
"You must build your life on eternal truths, not pop psychology, success motivation, or inspirational stories.." pg. 20

Boo!  Motivational stories have a "feel good" to them!  But it doesn't last...  That's when I used to break out the chocolate or Red Vines...  By age 19, however, the cost of those red vines was far too many pounds on my frame.  I've come to strongly dislike motivation stories because there is no power in their message.  "OK, so I know I'm not supposed to over eat.  So what?  Give me something better!"   
 I think Rick Warren is delivering in the "something better department"...  The quotes and verses are truth.  There's so much more I could reflect on just from Day 1.    The opportunity to think about purpose is such a gift.  I can't wait to internalize the Five Purposes Rick teases on page 20.  

Friday, October 14, 2011

Friday, September 23, 2011

Fall Plantings and Recipes! With Shawn Lindsey and Stephanie Maxie

Listen to "Fall Plantings and Recipes" here!

MOPS Update:  Now meeting at Watson Chapel in Madisonville!
MOPS Madisonville Facebook Page
MOPS with Katie, audio

Special thanks to the following groups from Tennessee Weslayan College!  Each group donated a day of servicee to beautify our community by planting flower bulbs!

Womens' Soccer
Mens' Soccer
Womens' Softball

Shawn Lindsey, Director of Public Works  (Thanks, Shawn for being my guest on the show!)

Battle of the Bulge dates:

Friday, 10/14    Tennessee Weslayan College Fruit Orchard at Depot Hill
Monday, 10/17  Tennessee Tree and Vine Planting
Friday, 10/21    McMinn Senior Center (Garden Beautiful Club)
Friday, 10/28    SR Median Planting

Fabulous Potato Soup from Frugalista Confessions  Author Stephanie Maxie 

6 potatoes

1 can chicken broth

16 ounces (oz.) heavy cream 
8 oz. sour cream

Cheddar, shredded
Green onions, chopped

  1. Peel and dice potatoes. 
  2. Boil potatoes, heavy cream,  and broth.  (Add water to cover.)
  3. Cover & let boil for ten minutes.
  4. Remove from heat and add sour cream.
Garnish with cheddar, bacon and onion!

Popcorn Ball Recipe

Adapted from The Little House Cookbook, Page 216

For 2 to 2 ½ dozen popcorn balls you will need:
Popped corn, 6 quarts
Molasses, 2 cups
Butter, 3 to 4 tablespoons
Pan, 6-quart; baking sheets, 2; kettle, 3-quart
  1. Spread the unsalted, unbuttered corn evenly in th e6-quart pan.
  2. Butter the baking sheets lightly.
  3. In the kettle, (don’t skimp on size, molasses will expand)  bring molasses to a boil, and cook it over medium heat, stirring frequently with a spoon. 
  4. Molasses is ready when it hardens as it is dripped into a cup of cold water.
  5. Spread bubbling candy over the corn.  With buttered tongs, toss quickly to distribute it.  Then, with hands, shape into balls.
  6. Store in air-tight container is not eating right away!
(Thanks to Gabriel, my nine-year-old for reading the recipe to me as I typed!)

To God be the glory!


Saturday, September 17, 2011

MOPS-Mothers of Preschoolers! The Motherhood Adventure With Friends

My interview with Gayle Wright of MOPS International here!!  Don't let isolation keep you from being the best mom you can be!  Go to to find a MOPS group near you!

Madisonville, Tennessee MOPS group on Facebook HERE!

Friday, September 9, 2011


Do you remember when you first saw solar panels or electric cars?  No, neither do I!  However, I do remember vowing to "use electricity from the sun" to power all my modern day conveniences!  
Enter physicist and entreprenuer Jim Stephens, owner of Solar Wise in Southeast Tennessee.  Jim is brilliant so I have to ask him to slow down when explaining things to me!  He has come out of retirement to make available affordable solar planels and systems.  These solar systems are so amazing you can actually live energy-independent!  Or if you are wise as well, your system will be on the grid and the Tennessee Valley Authority, (TVA) will pay you twice what they charge for the energy you produce!

  • At this time the TVA reimbursement offer will pay for the entire system in 8 years with a 10 years contract.
  • Federal Energy benefits will pay 30% of the system!
  • Over 20 systems installed and working over the last  16 months!
Get wise...Solar Wise!
Soli Deo Gloria! ~K. De La Cruz

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Charlie Clark, Hiwassee Builders Supply, Built For Generations!

AUDIO PLAYER  An Athens staple, Hiwassee Builders Supply on Decatur Pike has a legacy of customer satisfaction and stability!  They've expanded into Knoxville and now, into Cleveland.   Construction may be be suffering, but this business has what it takes to stay for the long-haul!  Join in the conversation, hear the story of this multigenerational builder supply co.!

Soli Deo Gloria! ~K. De La Cruz

Jaci Velasquez is on the show!

Jaci's voice is unforgettable!  If you're meeting her here for the first time, you're in for a treat!  She's got some pipes and she's not afraid to use them!  
Jaci visited beautiful East Tennessee and updated me on her life.  She was a teen-pop icon in Christian music in the late 90s, reached the Latino-charts is back singing about how God can take a rough stone (i.e. any human) and turn it into a polished, gem...A diamond!  Which, by the way, is her latest yet-to-be-released recording.  If you were at her concert here in Athens, you heard it and ....  It is a hit!
But that's not all Jaci's up to!  She's set to release two films before the year's end, and a book about the realities of motherhood titled, "Coffee and Concealer."  (Both are in my mothering tool-box!) And I can't wait to pick up the book!
Check out Jaci's Facebook page for the latest updates!

Much love,
 ~K. De La Cruz

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Risk and Trust!

In case your days are on the verge of risk, with new ideas or old ideas ready to bloom, you're in good company.  Hopefully you've got your coffee already in hand and I'm glad you are here!
If what you're about to risk is for any reason other than a sincere desire to honor and trust God, fogetaboutit!  It's not worth it!  For example, following God's call on your life gets costly for sure.  If you've been following me on Facebook, you know what I'm talkin about!
Once upon a time there was this lady (me) who really wanted to interview a special gal, "Cindy."  Cindy lived really, really far away from Katie.  Katie thought, "Cindy's music needs to get out there!  I love Cindy!  This will be great!"  But Katie didn't know all that would go wrong!  Cindy's interview went well. But there have been some bumps... Cindy has yet to hear the interview.  Katie doesn't want to disappoint, she's doing all she can...  And now, Katie looks like an idiot.
I'm still doing what I was called to do.  That's about my only comfort right now.  I will eventually "deliver" for Cindy.  So then there's a choice to make...  Do I trust, even as I scurry to solve issues, that ultimately God is in control?  No!  That's why I'm up in the middle of the night!  The good news is that Jesus Christ was and is God's trusting son.  I fail to trust; Jesus trusted.  He risked it all in obedience to his father.  And then, he takes my record of failure as I receive his record of perfection.  The Bible is full of verses to affirm what Christ did for me.  The Book of Romans is great for understanding the good news of Jesus's life, death and resurrection.  I need his forgiveness.  So do we all.  And he offers it freely.
I will accept his "yoke" or to-do list and let him take mine.  After all, I know the outcome that way will be perfect.
Peace and grace as you risk for His Kingdom!
Soli Deo Gloria! ~K. De La Cruz

Friday, August 12, 2011

New Pop Music Artist Annie Rose Rocks Today @ 3

Annie Rose, 17, shares her heart, her music, her story today at 3 on The Katie De La Cruz Show!
Annie Rose and I met at Belmont University to record her interview!  Sweet & stylish, Annie Rose declared that she works out her emotions through her music!  Songs featured today include frustration as a cancer survivor in Bring Me To Light, synicisim of a break up in Remember Me, and love, sweet love in More Than Maybe.  All three tunes are totally memorable!  The songs are ready and playing on the airwaves TODAY @ 3PM EST on the Katie De La Cruz Show!  WYXI 1390 AM
Don't just take my word for it..Listen to Annie Rose here:

Soli Deo Gloria! ~K. De La Cruz
Facebook The Katie De La Cruz Show

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Fat, Sick & Nearly Dead!

It's the title of a movie that has me juicing my fruits and veggies like crazy!  Watch the trailer by clicking here!  My mother had given a us a Jack La Lanne juicer years ago and we pull it out when we have colds.  But today's juicing was truly mania!  Let's see we did the Mean Green juice and Joe's Breakfast juice... I've grown to love them both!

Serves 1

Mean Green Juice:
  • 1 Bunch of Kale
  • 4 Celery Stalks
  • 2 Green Apples
  • 1 large Cucumber
  • small bunch of Parsley
  • small bunch of Cilantro
  • 1/2 Lemon, no rind.
  • Ginger Root (thumb sized amount)

Joe's Breakfast Juice:

  • 2 stalks of pineapple (1/2 a pineapple with out the skin)
  • 4 cups of water melon (I cut off the green rind but you don't have to.)
  • 1/2 lemon, no rind

Then, I took about 10 cups of tomatoes, sliced, blended, and poured in the crock pot!  Added garlic salt, dried basil, and oregano to taste and simmered all day.  It turned into spaghetti sauce and was delish!

I think I'll keep this up.  Maybe even do a full-blown juice fast!  Let me know if you do something similar!  I'd love to hear your recipes!

Soli Deo Gloria! ~K. De La Cruz
The Katie De La Cruz SHow
Fridays @ 3PM on WYXI Radio 1390 AM
FB: Katie's Community Connection

Thursday, July 28, 2011

OUR CAUSE?! Interview with New York Times Best Selling Author Matthew Barnett

"Can you hear me now?"  So many say it in jest, or at least they did before cell towers graced every horizon!  Many more have called out sincerely in need and desperation.  God is listening.  Are we listening?

Pastor and Best-Selling author of The Cause Within You,  Pastor Matthew Barnett, called-in to affirm the weary. YES!  God is indeed listening and speaking.

But what is God saying?  What can you do with your weariness?  What about the tired and needy around us?  What can they do?

 “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.  Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.  For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.” Matthew 11:28-30
Jesus Christ, in the book of Matthew 11:28-30, said we are to rest in Him and his faithfulness!  Jesus Christ also said,  “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation.” Sounds like a story of redemption!

Pastor Matthew shares his own experience resting in God's promises to guide and provide!  His Dream Center in Los Angeles houses 700+ of the most needy.  It’s a dream from Matthew’s past come true; one that has changed the “City of Angeles”!

You and I have a role in “change”.  The “rest” Jesus offers is to know by faith that we are saved! And that faith without those good works is worthless, dead. 

So I ask, “have we heard from God?”  Are we forgiven our lack of perfection before a perfect God?  If we answered yes, then Jesus says come and die to your dreams, I’ve got something better!  Take up my cross, my plans for this broken, cursed world!  Be about what I am doing!  Then you will truly live!

We are to be about knowing God, and telling, caring for the needy and the marginalized.  I hope this interview breathes new life into old dreams, and new visions for the once-blind!  God has a "work" perfectly suited to you and to me!  Pastor Matthew's book and interview will help us SEE OUR CAUSE WITHIN!

Soli Deo Gloria! K. De La Cruz

The Katie De La Cruz Show, Fridays at 3:05PM
WYXI Radio, 1390 AM, Athens, Tennessee

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Part 2: Homeschooling! Resources and REST TIME!

Most of us are new to homeschooling.  We are charting new waters, so to speak!  It can be overwhelming.  If you've had success with homeschooling, please be sure to leave a comment!  In this post, I support developing your own philosophy of education and list specific texts and specialists in education, as well as where to start!

...Start by listening to this interview:

That will help with the "to-do" list.  What about public schools and charters?  We've been ruined for anything run by the government-even charters. That's not to say that in a crisis we wouldn't do public. We have had our kids in public school.  But a crisis is a life-and-death situation. So really, really pray and do your research before committing to a publicly funded school. But I digress...

By research I mean read Douglas Wilson, Dr. Raymond Moore, and Susan Wise Bauer. And Susan Schaeffer Macaulay.

I love you dear reader! God is with you! He has already given you everything you need for the good works he has called you to!  That's a promise!    Phillipians 4:12-13  I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. I can do all this through him who gives me strength.

My "go to" for homeschooling curriculum is two fold- The Well-Trained Mind and homeschooling lecturer and consultant Carole Joy Seid.  They both ascribe to the benefits of GREAT BOOKS! Our favorite story Bible is by Catherine Voss, A Child's Story Bible. We have tried many different learning materials but what I've found is that if the material isn't working, it's probably the wrong time. I put it away for a few weeks or months or even a year or to-then come back to it and try it again. I did this w/ Saxon Math and have had great success. But I wouldn't start with Saxon until age 9. At that age, things change in the brain and the abstract becomes much less painful to learn! Saxon has online assessments for free so that you can know what level to start at, when the time comes.  Pre-Math IT and real life cooking, measuring-making the measuring tape (your child's) favorite piece of equipment-have him measure his bed, his favorite toy, etc.  For little ones, get cardboard books where they can put their sticky fingers all over it, then, together, count the balls on the pages or monkeys on the bed. (When you listen to Carole's interview, what I'm writing will make much more sense!)

Use spoken words to describe each task you are doing when the kids are around! And with all this relating, don't forget to build in a rest time! How-to:  The kids must have their feet off the floor-and so must you-for ONE HOUR. Set a timer-out of reach from the kids.  Show them on a clock.  "When the hands on the clock are here, I will come get you! Then be sure to go get them on time, lol!  Unplug the phone, or put it on silent-mode! The kids can do one of four things 1) pray, 2) think, 3) sleep or 4) read/play with books.

Allow God to work in your relationships w/ the kids, whatever is happening in life. Don't become a slave to your academic goals. That will all come in time. Obey the Lord, delighting in his love for you! Allow the Holy Spirit to speak to you as you ask him each morning for wisdom and guidance w/ each child and of course, with your husband. Character training is something only you and your husband can give your children.  Ultimately, that is what will make them employable, wise learners and thinkers!

Soli Deo Gloria! ~K. De La Cruz

Part 1: Thinking About, (Or Running From) Homeschooling! Philosophy and Practically

If you know me, you know I'm passionate about education for all children!  In a correspondence with a dear friend, I share about why, how and the beauty and terror! of educating at home!  Please share how you decided to homeschool by posting comments!  Thank you!  I can't wait to hear your story!

...As for homeschooling, I wanted to quit after 2 1/2 weeks! Then I discovered a very wise educator, christian mother and she changed how I thought about education theory at all stages. Her name is Carole Joy Seid and you can listen to an interview online for free at I think the fear of homeschooling for most moms is that we think we have to do at home what is done in a classroom at school. That method isn't homeschooling. It's school-at-home and there is a huge difference. One of my favorite movies-to help illustrate-is Sense and Sensibility. In that movie, there is a scene where the youngest daughter is sitting at a table next to a fire. Her mother is doing needle point and her eldest sister is beside them at the table, tutoring her younger sister in French. The younger is reading a French book aloud, the family corrects as needed. Now you may be thinking "I don't speak French" the activity isn't the point. The family is learning and exchanging ideas together. They are bonded together. It is a very natural picture of family relating. Not forced, or rushed, or even wealthy, in monetary terms... But what a wealth they have as they live shoulder-to-shoulder! So the baby interrupts. So shorten the lessons. Make them 10 minutes in length. Feed the baby, change her, etc then put her in a pack in play with some books and stacking blocks. Set the timer for 10 minutes. Get out your math facts flashcards and practice with the kids until the timer goes off. If the baby cries during that time, tell her you'll be with her when the timer goes off. Then as soon as the timer goes off, get her and hug her and praise her for being so patient and self controlled-her her you're delighted that God is giving her his grace at such a young age! Then go back to the kids-who have been taking a break on the swings while you tended to baby. Tell them how proud you are that they use their bodies to honor the Lord! You get the picture. It's possible. There will be a learning curve. You'll have to change and reorient your expectations and so will your family. If God is calling you to do this, and it sounds like he is, he will give you what you need to honor the calling. It wont be perfect, but then again nothing this side of heaven is. But you will be faithfully parenting your children, preparing them for eternity and for life in union wit Christ and his people. Nothing matters as much!
The Case For Classical Christian Education is a book by Douglas Wilson. In my humble opinion, every parent should read the first 5 chapters.
Know that the Lord NEVER calls us to do something that we can not do IN HIS STRENGTH. He wants us to delight in our dependence on Him, to thank him for it! That behavior of dependence on Christ produces freedom and joy in our hearts. It's a paradox but it's true!
I love you and will be praying for you! It's never to late or too insignificant to homeschool. For more compelling arguments, call (a teacher) after a day teaching in the classroom!
You are precious and in His hands and so is your family! Please let me know what other thoughts you have! Thank you for helping me to recall so many empowering and hopeful thoughts about the work we're doing! Come over any time. We'd love to have you! But I have to let you know that we are sacrificing to do this and it shows. But we have what we need!
Test God on his promises to take care of you in all ways and see if he isn't trustworthy!
I can't wait to rejoice with you!

Soli Deo Gloria! ~K. De La Cruz

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Encouragement For The Adoption Journey

I've wanted to adopt since I knew there were orphans!  So this idea goes way back.  But with varying routines of life this summer, I've fallen off the wagon, you could say...  Or could you?  I have been a bit demotivated by circumstances.  In effort to restart the ole' adoption train, (which is the initial paperwork,) I borrowed a book called Choosing to See by Mary Beth Chapman.  I don't usually read books by people married to somewhat famous people or about famous people unless it's a historical figure.  (She's married to singer/songwriter Steven Curtis Chapman.) But I identify so much with this particular author-and the story, oh, the story...

Summary:  perfectionist mom (like me) comes to terms with the world-wide orphan crisis, (yes, keep going) adopts three girls from China.  In circumstances that could happen anywhere, her teenage-son, while driving in the family's driveway, doesn't see the five-year-old sister (oh, no!) as she runs up to the moving car (no, don't say it!) and parishes.  (Silence.) AND God's healing grace invades the family history over and over again, showcasing God's unimaginable ability to bring beauty from ashes.  (WOW!)

I know, right?  Makes you want to read it, doesn't it?!

I'm always looking for a redemptive thread to carry on the vision of The Katie De La Cruz Show...  Maybe Mary Beth will come talk to me on my show about adoptive families...  It's worth hoping for!
If you have an adoption or other redemption story, I'd be honored if you would share it with me!  Leave your comments below! Thank you!

Soli Deo Gloria! ~K. De La Cruz

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Brad Smith, Singer, Rocks With Katie De La Cruz!

Sitting in the audience, I could feel my seat rattle!  Brad was singing bass. I didn’t think Nashville had earthquakes, which, as a Southern Californian, was my first guess!  To be honest, at the age of 19, I’d never heard a quartet.  I quickly realized I was hearing a legend, one I’ve come to admire very much.  His love for music is equaled only by his love and loyalty to all the people in his life!

Brad Smith has been singing since he could speak!  He tours with The Songfellows and will be in concert in East Tennessee on August 5th & 6th.  His low-notes and tenor lines are the finest I’ve heard!  He has the stamina of an athlete, the voice of legend and the heart of a hero.  During the next Katie De La Cruz Show, Brad will take us on a journey, conversation-style as I learned of why he sings, the miracles of his wife and son, and his adoption into the Hopi Indian Tribe. 
Listen to Brad Smith on The Katie De La Cruz Show, 3:05 Friday, July 22nd.  WYXI Radio Athens, 1390 AM. 

Soli Deo Gloria! ~K. De La Cruz

Christian Regretting Motherhood? My Response to This Motherhood Post:

I didn’t have to read the entire article to clarify something for myself and… just in case anyone is looking, for them, too.

I am a mom.  It is the hardest thing I’ve ever accepted.  The cross my husband and I carry is that we are called to parent our children.  One must be present to parent…  So, I don’t have a career.  I have an itty-bitty radio show that I excel at the on-air stuff but drop behind-the-scenes stuff.  A lot.  Just ask my station owners...  And I wish I didn’t.  I hate not being perfect-especially in front of others.  But my priorities dictate that a few balls can drop.  Just not my husband, son #1 or son #2.  Not the family.  I've been doing this "christian motherhood, wife gig" for 11.5 years and I'm beginning, BABY STEPS  to understand what and who and how.  I heard this excellent thought last night,  "You can't be about the Big Picture when you are consumed with the needs in front of you."  So, who is our faith really in?  Christ has already promised to take care of our needs.  That reality should free us up to raise our kids with "big picture" perspective!  I pray that it does!

We drive old cars, borrowed cars and any car that will go, because our ministry tithe to our family is very, very high!   I'm not bragging about that.  We live in a once-upon-a-time cute house that-is-no-more.  (Use your imagination, lol.)   Because you may be struggling with your calling, I share this reality to encourage you,  really!

I have a radio show and for the summer, while the kids are with Dad, I get to put more than 10 hours a week into it; because motherhood is my first cross, my first act of obedience each day.  I couldn't do the show as much as I am without my husband.  My husband is called to teach, coach and preach and has the summer off from teaching.  But his first calling is as my husband.  And I am called to motherhood.  So he teaches and delivers pizza and is the kids' teacher for the summer.    Because I’m called to motherhood, because we're called to parenthood.

Sure, I hope my radio show will be a commercial-success.  It would be great to have money left at the end of the month.  But if it isn’t, I have pleased the One who matters most, the one who obeyed His Father and died for me.

Soli Deo Gloria! ~K. De La Cruz

Sunday, June 19, 2011

The Great Father On Father's Day

I use Facebook quite a bit and with the advent of Father's Day, there is an unusual amount of father-kid pictures.  I love to see them.  But it stings a bit, too.  I hurt for my friends who's fathers have not been fatherly.  And that's a very sanitized way of putting it.  There is one Father, God-the-Father who is great!  He knows just what his kids need.

In the book of Phillipians, chapter 4, we read:

 6 Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done. 7 Then you will experience God’s peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus.

 8 And now, dear brothers and sisters, one final thing. Fix your thoughts on what is true, and honorable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable. Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise. 9 Keep putting into practice all you learned and received from me—everything you heard from me and saw me doing. Then the God of peace will be with you...

I have learned how to be content with whatever I have. 12 I know how to live on almost nothing or with everything. I have learned the secret of living in every situation, whether it is with a full stomach or empty, with plenty or little. 13 For I can do everything through Christ,[c] who gives me strength. 14 Even so, you have done well to share with me in my present difficulty.

As our Father has given all good things to us, let us also share every good thing especially with those in need!

Prayerfully yours!
K. DeLaCruz

Monday, June 13, 2011

Adoption, Hope and the Party to Come!

I'm four days-out from visiting an orphanage in Guatemala.  The children, orphans are in my mind throughout the day now.  I've never been to an orphanage before but have always wanted to adopt.  There are so many reasons why I shouldn't adopt right now.  It will cost more money than I have, for one.  I have other children who need my attention.  I should wait until my radio show is making money.  And the list goes on.  But before I go all "Debbie Downer" on you, let me say that I shouldn't have gone to Guatemala for all those same reasons.  Yet the money came in, my kids joined in the fundraising and travel, and my radio show is steadily gaining both an audience and advertisers.

There are two reasons why I must choose to see the need for adoption.

Number One:  God loves me, father's me and sent his only son to die for me.  I'm adopted.  I'm his daughter.  He paid my ransom.  I am the spiritual orphan.  He made his son, Jesus Christ poor so that I will live and have riches in him.

Number Two:  Hearing this awesome news of my adoption, hearing how God-The-Father loves to bring spiritual orphans into his house, how can I ignore the state of poverty that orphans live in?  How can I not adopt, really?

I've started the research.  There's a local organization called "Hearts4Ghana" that has just been established to bring children "home" from an orphanage with as little Red Tape as possible.  Today, I plan to contact them.

A friend of mine, Wendy Twit said to me, "adoption is God's Plan A."

You don't have to believe in God to know that children need a home.  I will have to trust in God to make a home and grow our family.  And the promise I can rest in is that He is preparing a place for those who trust in him, and there will be a great party celebrating the homecoming of all God's adopted children!  As we walk by faith, our hope is not in vain.  

Friday, June 10, 2011

The Return from Casa Shalom; a Guatemalan Orphanage

My grandmother, Gerri Lamoureaux-Donahue, was an incredibly stylish and savvy woman. She had a career working on the first generation of computers for the Oil Industry during World War II. With the money she saved, she bought fur coats, took vacations and bought her own family's first car. It's quite possible that none of those experiences would have occurred were it not for the family that adopted her when she was four-years-old. That family, The Carrolls, had five children of their own when they took in my grandmother and another girl.

With the passage and acceptance of abortion law, homes for unexpected children, nee, orphanages here in the United States have disappeared. The aborted babies are the orphans we don't see. But in a little town, San Lucas, in Guatemala, there is a home for the orphaned. And I was just there.

Never have I received so many hugs and kisses. Never have I been so totally unable to wrap my mind around the truth of circumstances. Sixty-four children without a mother or father? Really? My husband and I have two young sons. I have to pause under the weight of loss for these young people...

Yes, there were 64 orphans where I stayed for eight days. They were beautiful and funny and muy intelligente! I was amazed at how many could speak english and play Jesu Joy of Man's Desiring on a simple Recorder! They were needy too and will be. They need groups to come visit and they need folks to move there to love on them. My husband and I are toying with the idea, too. There's so many more details to share with you. We traveled with the Founder of the orphanage, Jan Waldrop and four students from the high school where Jan and my husband teach Spanish. You can hear more about our trip during my radio show, Fridays at 3PM on WYXI Radio 1390 AM. And thanks for reading. Know that the reason I care and we care is because The One has cared for us first! While we were yet in sin, The One, Christ, the Son of God, died on the cross paying my sin-debt and adopting me into His family. Through Christ we know that God loves us!

My husband created a little movie with our pictures and videos...I hope to link it for you!