
Thursday, December 22, 2011

Stirring the Kettle of Creativity and Peace

Christmas cooking in the kitchen has given my mind time to wander.  It's stirred my passion for writing, bubbling up memories of reading things of high worth!  God's awakening my soul to his ideas by using some of these writers...

Marsha,  a fabulous and fabulously adopted young woman; the glorious art and personal style of Sarah Hazel; the transparency and truth of Jason Wallis;  and Francis Chan and his wife Lisa have to say about family and mission...

Brian, my husband, is on a Francis Chan "kick,"   listening online before everyone gets up and after everyone goes to bed.  Actually, Brian's been able to share hope with our worrying son through Chan's videos, books, and talks online.  Francis is all about reading the Bible as if you've never read it before.  For Brian, who remembers everything he hears verbatim, listening to Chan on youtube or podcasts helps him soak in what the Good Book says!  It's a blessing, bringing more peace to me, too.

Soli Deo Gloria! ~K. De La Cruz