
Friday, September 9, 2011


Do you remember when you first saw solar panels or electric cars?  No, neither do I!  However, I do remember vowing to "use electricity from the sun" to power all my modern day conveniences!  
Enter physicist and entreprenuer Jim Stephens, owner of Solar Wise in Southeast Tennessee.  Jim is brilliant so I have to ask him to slow down when explaining things to me!  He has come out of retirement to make available affordable solar planels and systems.  These solar systems are so amazing you can actually live energy-independent!  Or if you are wise as well, your system will be on the grid and the Tennessee Valley Authority, (TVA) will pay you twice what they charge for the energy you produce!

  • At this time the TVA reimbursement offer will pay for the entire system in 8 years with a 10 years contract.
  • Federal Energy benefits will pay 30% of the system!
  • Over 20 systems installed and working over the last  16 months!
Get wise...Solar Wise!
Soli Deo Gloria! ~K. De La Cruz